Embrace Life Initiative is a network of dedicated individuals and community leaders who are committed to partnering with other life-affirming agencies in the Greater Austin Area. We identify real solutions to financial and physical needs and EMPOWER Black families to change the unplanned into a loving plan.


Facing the uncertainties of unexpected life challenges can be one of the most frightening times of an individual's life. Embrace Life Initiative is here to foster peace of mind and provide loving support to expecting mothers and fathers during times of need and equip them with the resources and tools available to successfully overcome unexpected life challenges.



The documentary film, MAAFA 21, is used by our organization to educate our community about the history, dangers, and hidden agenda of abortion. This well-produced expose of the abortion industry, racism, and eugenics reveals the movement to kill off the black race.

The goal of Embrace Life Initiative is to provide educational resources to the Black community in the central Texas area so that with the knowledge they may be empowered to make different choices and safeguard the race for many generations to come.

Embrace Life Initiative was born as a response to the needs of the Black community in the Greater Austin area and is the brainchild of Debbie Bruce-Juhlke who is affiliated with the John Paul II Life Center in Austin. Since its inception, Embrace Life Initiative has held numerous educational events for the general and religious communities. One of its goals is to continue educating the people who have the ability to reach out to the Black communities in central Texas, providing guidance, education, and compassion.





EDUCATE yourself on the facts about abortion and how it affects families and our communities.

​MOBILIZE community groups to educate and inform legislators about the devastating impact abortion has on America’s people of color.

BEGIN a Students for Life group within your church or community. We are here to assist you in this endeavor.

​REALIZE that even post Roe v. Wade women are still suffering daily from the negative implications of the abortion pill

​ASK everyone you know such as your pastor, church, small group leaders and community leaders to speak out on this issue.

​COLLABORATE with Embrace Life Initiative and provide avenues for speakers to come to your church, clubs, and civic organizations.

​EMPOWER groups such as Embrace Life Initiative and the local pregnancy resource centers who assist women and families in unexpected pregnancies.


An AACR medical journal article showed that the risk of breast cancer is increased for women with an “induced abortion”.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Abortion Surveillance Report - 2018, when compared to other racial/ethnic groups Black women account for the largest percentage of all reported abortions at approximately 34% and report the highest abortion rate of 21.2 abortions per 1,000 women (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 67, No. SS-13; 1-45 CDC, November 27, 2020).

To embrace life is to promote life from conception to natural death. To embrace life is to encourage overall health and well-being for expecting mothers, and to provide mentorship, guidance and community support to expecting fathers. To embrace life is to not only facilitate the current physical needs, but to work to address the social, economic, and environmental needs necessary to support having a healthy family unit.

Join us to change the unplanned into a loving plan and embrace every life!