Voices for Life

Embrace Life Initiative: Voices of Hope Benefit Brunch
Join us for a celebration of Life, Hope, and Charity as we join forces to provide both mothers and fathers faced with an unplanned preganacy a pathway towards hope and prosperity. With your support, Embrace Life Initiative can assist hundreds of mothers and fathers through our mobile outreach initiatives to equipment them with the skills needed to embark on the journey of life and parent confidently.
Logo or name included in the program (if logo received by October 18);
Logo or name on event website;
Logo or name on signage at benefit;
Verbal recognition of sponsorship during Welcoming Remarks;
Verbal and Slide recognition of sponsorship during Closing Remarks;
Logo or name and hyperlink on Embrace Life Initiative’s website;
Logo or name included in a promotional email to supporters of Embrace and registered event attendees;
Premier Reserved table at Benefit Brunch;
Name included in after event email recapping event
Logo or name included in the program (if logo received by October 18);
Logo or name on event website;
Logo or name on signage at benefit;
Reserved table at Benefit Brunch;
Verbal recognition of sponsorship during Welcoming Remarks;
Verbal and Slide recognition of sponsorship during Closing Remarks;
Enhanced reserved table at Benefit Brunch;
Logo or name and hyperlink on Embrace Life Initiative’s website.
Logo or name included in the program (if logo received by October 18);
Logo or name on event website;
Logo or name on signage at benefit;
Reserved table at Benefit Brunch;
Verbal recognition of sponsorship during Welcoming Remarks;
Verbal and Slide recognition of sponsorship during Closing Remarks;
Enhanced reserved table at Benefit Brunch;
Logo or name and hyperlink on Embrace Life Initiative’s website.
Logo or name included in the program (if logo received by October 18);
Logo or name on event website;
Logo or name on signage at benefit;
Reserved table at Benefit Brunch;
Verbal recognition of sponsorship during Welcoming Remarks;
Verbal and Slide recognition of sponsorship during Closing Remarks.
name included in the program; name on event website; name on signage at benefit; Reserved table at Benefit Brunch